DD Form 2790 Custodianship Certificate to Support Claim on Behalf of Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces

DD Form 2790 Custodianship Certificate to Support Claim on Behalf of Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces

What Is DD Form 2790?

DD Form 2790, Custodianship Certificate to Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces , is a form that the custodians of a service member's child or children need to complete in order to apply for and request child support payments, alimony or a division of property. Any custodian of a service member's unmarried children, incapacitated child, or a child of at least 18 but no more than 22 years of age who is attending school is eligible to initiate the process.

The latest version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DA Form 2790 - was released by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on March 1, 2017 , with all previous editions obsolete. An up-to-date fillable version of DD Form 2790 is available for download through the link below or can be found through the Executive Services Directorate website.


How to Fill Out DD Form 2790?

Step-by-step DD Form 2790 instructions are as follows:

  1. Enter the service member's name in the space provided in Section 1. Be sure to provide the complete name.
  2. Enter the service member's Social Security Number (SSN) in Section 2. Make sure that you have entered the SSN correctly and in numbers only.
  3. Specify the full name, social security number, date of birth, and relationship of the child to the deceased in Section 3. It is recommended to provide legal documents or their certified copies relating to support every paragraph in this section.
  4. Specify the custodian's relationship to the children in Section 3. The applicant must provide their full name, social security number, date of birth, and the relationship to the children (i.e., the degree of kinship).
  5. Check the applicable boxes for each statement in Section 5 ("Certification") and complete Boxes 5a through 5d. The penalty for presenting false claims or making false statements in connection with claims is a fine of no more than $10,000, five-year imprisonment, or both.
  6. Section 6 ("Remarks") is for the applicant to provide any other necessary data connected to their case.

It's obligatory to possess all the documents and all the data required for your request to be processed in a timely and efficient manner.

When to Use DD Form 2790?

This form should be completed when a claim for annuity payments is made on behalf of minor children to identify the custodian of the unmarried minor children, incapacitated minor child(ren), or child of at least 18 but no more than 22 attending school at the time of filing. Follow the instructions up above to complete the custodianship certificate for minor children.

The DD 2790 requires the following documentation (either originals or certified copies) for processing:

  • An identity card;
  • A valid SSN;
  • Some proof of the relationship;
  • A marriage license;
  • Birth certificates;
  • A physician's statement attesting the extent of incapacity if applicable;
  • Documentation of any court-appointed legal representation.

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  • DD Form 2790 Custodianship Certificate to Support Claim on Behalf of Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces


  • DD Form 2790 Custodianship Certificate to Support Claim on Behalf of Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces, Page 2


  • DD Form 2790 Custodianship Certificate to Support Claim on Behalf of Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces, Page 1
  • DD Form 2790 Custodianship Certificate to Support Claim on Behalf of Minor Children of Deceased Members of the Armed Forces, Page 2

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