Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom

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Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom


Q: What is Form 77A?
A: Form 77A is a notice of the cancellation of the registration of a building for the solemnization of marriages of same-sex couples in the United Kingdom.

Q: What does this form pertain to?
A: This form pertains to the cancellation of the registration of a building for same-sex marriage ceremonies under the Marriage Act 1949 in the United Kingdom.

Q: Who is affected by this form?
A: This form affects buildings that were previously registered for the solemnization of marriages of same-sex couples.

Q: What is the purpose of canceling the registration?
A: The purpose of canceling the registration is to indicate that the building is no longer authorized to host marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.

Q: Is this applicable in the United States or Canada?
A: No, this form is specific to the United Kingdom and does not apply to the United States or Canada.


Download Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom

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  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom


  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom, Page 2


  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom, Page 1
  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom, Page 2