Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom

Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom


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Download Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom

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  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom


  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom, Page 2


  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom, Page 1
  • Form 77A Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom, Page 2