Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015 / 340) - United Kingdom

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Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015 / 340) - United Kingdom

Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340) is used in the United Kingdom to notify the regulatory authority about the revalidation or renewal of an English Language Proficiency endorsement for air traffic controllers.


Q: What is Form SRG1426?
A: Form SRG1426 is a document related to the notification of the revalidation or renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement.

Q: What does this form pertain to?
A: This form pertains to Air Traffic Controllers Licence and is based on the Commission Regulation (EU)2015/340.

Q: Who is required to complete this form?
A: Air Traffic Controllers who need to revalidate or renew their English Language Proficiency Endorsement must complete this form.

Q: What is the purpose of the English Language Proficiency Endorsement?
A: The endorsement ensures that Air Traffic Controllers have the necessary English language skills to communicate effectively in their role.

Q: Which country is this form applicable to?
A: This form is applicable to the United Kingdom.


Download Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015 / 340) - United Kingdom

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  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015/340) - United Kingdom


  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015/340) - United Kingdom, Page 2


  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015 / 340) - United Kingdom, Page 1
  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Commission Regulation (Eu)2015 / 340) - United Kingdom, Page 2