Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015 / 340) - United Kingdom

Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015 / 340) - United Kingdom

This form is for notifying the revalidation or renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement for Air Traffic Controllers in the United Kingdom.

The air traffic controllers themselves would file the Form SRG1426 in the United Kingdom.

Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015/340) - United Kingdom - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is Form SRG1426?
Form SRG1426 is a document that pertains to the revalidation or renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement for Air Traffic Controllers in the United Kingdom.

Q: What does the Form SRG1426 cover?
The Form SRG1426 covers the notification process for the revalidation or renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement, as required by Regulation UK (EU) 2015/340.

Q: Who is required to use Form SRG1426?
Air Traffic Controllers in the United Kingdom who need to revalidate or renew their English Language Proficiency Endorsement are required to use Form SRG1426.

Q: What is an English Language Proficiency Endorsement?
An English Language Proficiency Endorsement is a certification that demonstrates the proficiency of an Air Traffic Controller in the English language, as it is the international language of aviation.

Q: What is the purpose of revalidating or renewing the English Language Proficiency Endorsement?
The purpose of revalidating or renewing the English Language Proficiency Endorsement is to ensure that Air Traffic Controllers continue to meet the language requirements necessary for safe and effective communication in aviation.

Q: What is Regulation UK (EU) 2015/340?
Regulation UK (EU) 2015/340 is the regulatory framework that outlines the requirements for English Language Proficiency Endorsements for Air Traffic Controllers in the United Kingdom.


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Download Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015 / 340) - United Kingdom

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  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015/340) - United Kingdom


  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015/340) - United Kingdom, Page 2


  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015/340) - United Kingdom, Page 3


  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015 / 340) - United Kingdom, Page 1
  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015 / 340) - United Kingdom, Page 2
  • Form SRG1426 Air Traffic Controllers Licence - Notification of the Revalidation or Renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement (Regulation UK (Eu) 2015 / 340) - United Kingdom, Page 3