IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents

IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents

What Is Form 1040-NR-EZ?

IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens with No Dependents , is a document used by nonresident aliens (not United States citizens who have not passed the green card or the substantial presence test) who claim no dependents. IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ filing conditions include:

  1. Do not claim any dependents.
  2. Do not be claimed as a dependent on a tax return of any other person.
  3. Do not have any income except for tips, wages, salaries, scholarship or fellowship grants, nontaxable interest or dividends, and refunds of states and local income taxes;
  4. Your taxable income must be less than $100,000.
  5. Do not claim any tax credits, exclusions, or deductions except for the student loan interest deduction, itemized deduction for state and local income taxes, and exclusion for scholarship and fellowship grants.

IRS 1040-NR-EZ Form is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and was last revised in 2019 . Download the latest fillable IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ down below.


How to Fill Out 1040-NR-EZ Form?

IRS 1040-NR-EZ Form consists of a one-page form and one schedule. Nonresident aliens with no dependents should print or type the required information:

  1. Provide your personal information, including name, address, and identifying number (your Social Security number or IRS individual taxpayer identification number).
  2. Filing Status. Self-explanatory.
  3. Lines 3 - 16. Use these lines for reporting and calculation of your taxable income. You can round off cents to a whole dollar. Note, if you choose to do so, you must do it for all amounts provided.
  4. Line 17. Provide your total tax (sum of lines 16 and 15).
  5. Lines 18 - 21. Use these lines to calculate your total payments.
  6. Refund (Lines 22 - 24) . The refund can be directly deposited to your account or sent to you as a check. If you want the IRS to directly deposit your refund, fill out lines 23b through 23d. Otherwise, draw a line through them.
  7. Amount You Owe (Lines 25 - 26) . Self-explanatory.
  8. Third-Party Designee. If you want to grant another person permission to discuss your tax return with the IRS, complete this section.
  9. Sign Here. Sign the document only after completion of the form and schedule.
  10. Paid Preparer Use Only. Self-explanatory.
  11. Schedule O. Other Information. You must answer all the questions in this schedule.

IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ Instructions

File the 1040-NR-EZ tax return form by April 15 if you were an employee and received salaries liable to the United States income tax withholdings. If not, file the form by June 17. If you do not file the nonresident alien tax return form by the due date, you will have to pay a penalty equal to 5% of the amount due for each month. If you cannot file the document by the due date, ask for a 6-month extension by filing Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.

Form 1040-NR-EZ can be filed by mail only. The mailing addresses are provided in the IRS instructions file. Download or order detailed completion and filing instructions with the appropriate examples and worksheets.

IRS 1040-NR-EZ Related Forms:

Other Revision

Download IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents

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  • IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents


  • IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents, Page 2


  • IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents, Page 1
  • IRS Form 1040-NR-EZ U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents, Page 2

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