FAA Form 8610-2 Airman Certificate and / or Rating Application

FAA Form 8610-2 Airman Certificate and / or Rating Application

What Is FAA Form 8610-2?

FAA Form 8610-2, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application , is a legal document that is completed by individuals who wish to provide their personal information for the issuance of an airman certificate or rating. This form identifies individuals and evaluates their qualifications. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) uses the information in the form to issue a certificate or rating. The extensive data validation helps the FAA to ensure an applicant meets policy and regulatory requirements.

This form was released by the FAA. The latest version of the form was issued on February 1, 1985 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable 8610-2 FAA Form through the link below.


How to Fill Out FAA Form 8610-2?

FAA Form 8610-2 instructions are as follows:

  1. Specify the rating you are applying for - repairman, parachute rigger, master, etc.;
  2. Indicate the reason for filling out FAA Form 8610-2 - to obtain a certificate or add a rating;
  3. Provide your personal details - full name, social security number, date of birth, height, weight, hair color, eye color, sex, nationality or citizenship, place of birth. Add your permanent mailing address and state if you have had an airman certificate revoked or suspended. Specify the type of airman certificate if you have ever held any and state if you have ever been convicted for violations connected to various drugs and substances;
  4. Describe your civil and military experience that makes you eligible for a certificate or new rating. Attach a copy of the letter of recommendation, provide the information about schools and approved courses you have undergone;
  5. Write down your record of experience. Indicate the service, rank or pay level, and military specialty code. List experience related to the certificate or rating you are applying for. Provide the details of your employers and describe the type of work performed;
  6. If you apply for the rating of the parachute rigger, indicate how many parachutes you have packed. When applying for the master rating, state if you have packed as a senior rigger or military rigger;
  7. Certify the statements in the form are true, sign and date the document.

The rest of the form must be completed by the FAA who may find the applicant eligible to take the required tests for the certificate or rating. The last page of the form will contain the results of oral and practical tests - general, airframe structures, systems, and components, powerplant theory and maintenance, systems and components, and parachute rigger tests. The examiner certifies that the applicant was tested and a temporary certificate may be issued or the individual cannot receive a certificate or rating.

The FAA inspector examines the papers or personally tests the applicant, grades the answer sheet, and approves or disapproves the application. Once Form 8610-2 is completed on both sides, the inspector signs the document, dates it, and indicates the FAA district office that adopted the decision.

Download FAA Form 8610-2 Airman Certificate and / or Rating Application

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  • FAA Form 8610-2 Airman Certificate and / or Rating Application, Page 2
  • FAA Form 8610-2 Airman Certificate and / or Rating Application, Page 3

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