Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form - Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing

Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form - Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing

The Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form at the Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing is used to evaluate the performance of clinical instructors. It allows students to provide feedback on the instructor's teaching methods, communication skills, and overall effectiveness in the clinical setting.

The Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form at Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing is typically filled out by nursing students who have completed a clinical rotation with a specific instructor.


Q: What is the purpose of the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form?
A: The purpose of the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form is to assess the performance of clinical instructors at Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing.

Q: Who uses the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form?
A: The Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form is used by students and faculty at Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing.

Q: What does the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form assess?
A: The Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form assesses the performance of clinical instructors in areas such as teaching effectiveness, communication skills, and professionalism.

Q: How is the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form completed?
A: The Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form is completed by students at Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing. They provide feedback on their clinical instructors during their rotations.

Q: Why is the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form important?
A: The Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form is important because it allows students and faculty to provide feedback on the performance of clinical instructors, which can be used to improve the quality of teaching and clinical experiences.

Q: Is the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form anonymous?
A: Yes, the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form is anonymous. Students can provide feedback without revealing their identities.

Q: Can students provide both positive and negative feedback on the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form?
A: Yes, students can provide both positive and negative feedback on the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form. It is important to provide constructive criticism in order to improve the teaching and learning experience.

Q: Are the results of the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form shared with the clinical instructors?
A: Yes, the results of the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form are typically shared with the clinical instructors. This allows them to gain insights into their teaching performance and make necessary improvements.

Q: How often is the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form administered?
A: The frequency of administering the Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form may vary. It is typically done at the end of each clinical rotation or semester.


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  • Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form - Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing


  • Clinical Instructor Evaluation Form - Minnesota State Mankato School of Nursing, Page 2


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