Field Activity Risk Assessment Template - University of Wollongong

Field Activity Risk Assessment Template - University of Wollongong


Q: What is the Field Activity Risk Assessment Template?
A: It is a template used by the University of Wollongong to assess risks associated with field activities.

Q: Why is the template important?
A: The template helps identify potential hazards and develop strategies to mitigate those risks during field activities.

Q: Who uses the Field Activity Risk Assessment Template?
A: The template is used by staff, students, and researchers from the University of Wollongong who engage in field activities.

Q: What does the template include?
A: The template includes sections to identify hazards, assess risks, implement control measures, and review the effectiveness of those measures.

Q: How does the template help ensure safety during field activities?
A: By guiding users through a comprehensive risk assessment process, the template helps minimize or eliminate potential hazards, ensuring the safety of those involved.

Q: Can the template be customized?
A: Yes, the template can be tailored to specific field activities and locations to address unique risks and requirements.


Download Field Activity Risk Assessment Template - University of Wollongong

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  • Field Activity Risk Assessment Template - University of Wollongong


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