Monthly Chapter Meeting Form - Oxford House

Monthly Chapter Meeting Form - Oxford House

The Monthly Chapter Meeting Form for Oxford House is used to document the proceedings and discussions that take place during the monthly chapter meetings of Oxford House, a self-run recovery housing organization for individuals recovering from substance abuse.

The Chapter Secretary of Oxford House typically files the Monthly Chapter Meeting Form.


Q: What is the Monthly Chapter Meeting Form?
A: The Monthly Chapter Meeting Form is a document used in Oxford House, a self-run recovery house for individuals with substance use disorders.

Q: What is the purpose of the Monthly Chapter Meeting Form?
A: The form is used to record the minutes and important discussion points from the monthly chapter meetings.

Q: Who is responsible for filling out the Monthly Chapter Meeting Form?
A: The secretary of the chapter typically fills out the form after each meeting.

Q: What information should be included in the form?
A: The form should include the date of the meeting, attendees, topics discussed, decisions made, and any other relevant information.

Q: Why is the form important?
A: The form helps ensure transparency and accountability within the Oxford House system by documenting important decisions and discussions.


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  • Monthly Chapter Meeting Form - Oxford House, Page 2


  • Monthly Chapter Meeting Form - Oxford House, Page 1
  • Monthly Chapter Meeting Form - Oxford House, Page 2

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