Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template - K's Mutt Hut - Texas

Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template - K's Mutt Hut - Texas

The Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template is used by K's Mutt Hut, a boarding facility in Texas, to gather information about a pet during the check-in process. It helps the facility understand the pet's needs, preferences, and any special requirements to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay.


Q: What is the purpose of the Boarding Intake Questionnaire?
A: The questionnaire is used to gather information about the boarding pet and ensure their well-being and safety during their stay.

Q: Why is it important to fill out the Boarding Intake Questionnaire?
A: Filling out the questionnaire helps us understand the specific needs and preferences of your pet, so we can provide them with the best possible care.

Q: What kind of information is typically included in the Boarding Intake Questionnaire?
A: The questionnaire usually asks for details such as the pet's medical history, dietary requirements, behavior traits, and emergency contact information.

Q: Can I provide additional instructions for my pet on the Boarding Intake Questionnaire?
A: Yes, you can provide any additional instructions or special requests for your pet on the questionnaire to ensure their comfort and well-being.

Q: Do I need to complete a new Boarding Intake Questionnaire for every visit?
A: It is generally recommended to complete a new questionnaire for each boarding visit, as it allows us to have the most up-to-date information about your pet's needs.


Download Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template - K's Mutt Hut - Texas

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  • Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template - K's Mutt Hut - Texas, Page 2


  • Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template - K's Mutt Hut - Texas
  • Boarding Intake Questionnaire Template - Ks Mutt Hut - Texas, Page 2