Form SSA-7-F6 Application for Parent's Insurance Benefits

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of Form SSA-7-F6 for the current year.

Form SSA-7-F6 Application for Parent's Insurance Benefits

What Is Form SSA-7-F6?

Form SSA-7-F6, Application for Parent's Insurance Benefits , is a document submitted to the Social Security Administration (SSA) by dependent parents of deceased workers with enough Social Security credits to confirm eligibility for SSA benefits. If you are at least 62 years of age and you depended on the deceased wage-earner's financial support at the time of their death, you may claim benefits to ensure the financial future of your family.

Alternate Name:

  • Parent Insurance Benefits Application.

This form was released on December 1, 2018 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable SSA7-F6 Form through the link below.


Form SSA-7-F6 Instructions

Add the following information to your Parent Insurance Benefits Application:

  1. State the name, gender, and social security number of the deceased worker.
  2. Write down your name, social security number, and name at birth if it is different from your current name.
  3. Indicate whether you were receiving more at least half of your financial support from the deceased and whether you have ever filed evidence of this support to the SSA.
  4. Record the deceased's dates of birth and death and place of death. State whether they ever filed for Social Security benefits, Medicare insurance, or Supplemental Security Income.
  5. If the deceased was unable to work because of a disability at the time of death, answer "yes" and indicate the date this disability began.
  6. If the deceased was on active military or naval duty between 1939 and 1968, check the appropriate box and enter the dates of service.
  7. If the death occurred within the last two years, enter the amount of money the worker earned during the year of death and the previous year. Specify the years from 1978 in which the deceased did not have Social Security covered income.
  8. State your date and place of birth. Record the type of your birth records. If you have married since the death of the worker, describe your marriage, and add the spouse's social security number.
  9. Indicate whether you have ever filed for any Social Security benefits.
  10. If you were in the active military or naval service between 1939 and 1968 and you, your current spouse, or the deceased worker worked in the railroad industry for five years or more, answer "yes".
  11. If you have Social Security credits in another country, name this country.
  12. Record your earnings last year and expected income this year and next year.
  13. If you are within three months of 65 years old or older, you can enroll in Medicare Part B by checking the appropriate box.
  14. Sign and date the form. Provide your contact details and the address for the direct deposit payment.

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