DA Form 3433-2 Supplemental-A Employment Application Form for Child-Youth Services Positions

DA Form 3433-2 Supplemental-A Employment Application Form for Child-Youth Services Positions

What Is DA Form 3433-2?

DA Form 3433-2, Supplemental-A Employment Application Form for Child-Youth Services Positions , is a document distributed by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) and used by soldiers applying to Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) positions requiring child care. The DA 3433-2 must accompany DA Form 3433 and DA Form 3433-1 in all employment applications for child- and youth care-related jobs.

The newest version of the form was released on August 1, 2002 , with all previous editions now obsolete. An up-to-date version of DA Form 3433-2 is available for download below.

The form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 3433-2 - is used for determining if the applicant is affected by any legal restrictions or has a history of law violations. The information provided by the form undergoes a thorough background check by the Quality Review and Advisory Panel (QRAP).

Filing the form is voluntary. However, refusing to file the form will lead to the applicant being rejected from certain jobs and will decrease the overall chance of hiring.


DA Form 3433-2 instructions

  1. Fill in your basic identifying information: your name, date of birth, social security number, and address.
  2. Fill in the job announcement name or title.
  3. Provide the necessary contact information: your work phone and personal phone number, a fax number, or an e-mail address. Your personal phone number will be the first way to contact you. If you wish to only be contacted via personal phone only fill in that field alone.
  4. Box 9 covers past sexual offenses, substance abuse felonies, violent crime accusations, or arrests for child-related crimes. Check the appropriate option and provide a written description of the case disposition if there was one. All information you provide will be subject to a variety of background checks.
  5. The DA 3433-2 will be ready for submission after you sign and date the form in Boxes 10 and 11.

Documents related to DA Form 3433-2: NAF employment packet:

Download DA Form 3433-2 Supplemental-A Employment Application Form for Child-Youth Services Positions

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