DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report

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DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report

What Is DA Form 67-10-1?

DA Form 67-10-1, Company Grade Plate (O1-O3; WO1-CW2) Officer Evaluation Report , is a document used for providing the Department of Army Headquarters (HQDA) with useful and valuable information about a rated officers' competence and potential for promotion. The DA 67-10-1 Form is used for the assessment of first and second lieutenants, captains, warrant officers (WO1), and chief warrant officers (CW2).

Alternate Names:

  • DA Form 67;
  • CGP-OER.

This edition of the form released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on November 1, 2015 , and is valid and in use today. An up-to-date fillable version of the DA 67-10-1 is available for download below.

The form should not be confused with DD Form 67, Form Processing Action Request. This form is used to cancel an existing U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) form, to make changes to an existing form, or to add a new one to the DoD inventory.


DA Form 67-10-1 Instructions

  1. Part I is for entering the required administrative data and providing the rated officer's personal information, unit data, number of rated months, and the reason for submission of the report.
  2. Part II ("Authentication") is for authentication by the rated officer and rating officials at the end of the rating period. The rated officer must sign the report after authentication by the rating officials. All signatures must be on the form 14 days prior to its "Thru" date.
  3. Part III describes the duties of the rated officer. The officials in charge of the rating process are responsible for ensuring that that description is complete, factual, and correct.
  4. Part IV includes an assessment of a rated officer's core leader competencies, overall performance, and adherence to Army values.
  5. Part V of the CGP-OER is completed if and when an intermediate rater participates in the rating process.
  6. Part VI provides the senior rater's assessment potential of the rated officer. The CGP-OER cannot be forwarded to the HQDA until the "Thru" date listed on DA Form 67-10-1.

Officer Evaluation Report

The U.S. Army changed its officer evaluation reporting system to a new format on April 1, 2014. DA Form 67-10-1 and other forms in the DA 67-10 series replaced the DA 67-9 Form, which was a universal evaluation form for officers of all ranks. The new reporting forms were diversified to analyze and rate officer performances in a manner more in line with Army doctrine.

The officer evaluation report is prepared by the rating chain, which includes a rater, a senior rater, and sometimes an intermediate rater. The process includes supervision, writing a self-assessment, a performance assessment conducted by the raters over a period of time, and a face-to-face interview.

The completed DA 67-10-1 is forwarded to the HQDA. The rated officer must file a supporting DA Form 67-10-1A, Officer Evaluation Report Support Form, during the preparation of the report. It includes a description of duties and a self-assessment in six parts. This form is not forwarded to the HQDA since it is used only as a medium for the preparation of the actual report.

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Download DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report

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  • DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report


  • DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report, Page 2


  • DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report, Page 1
  • DA Form 67-10-1 Company Grade Plate (O1 - O3; Wo1 - Cw2) Officer Evaluation Report, Page 2