This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
DD Form 2606
for the current year.
DD Form 2606 , Department of Defense Child Development Program Request for Care Record , is a form used for applying for child care. The form is used for collecting applicant information for CDP (Child Development Programs) application and to participate in waiting lists for services provided by these programs.
The latest edition of DD 2606 was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on May 1, 2014 . The latest fillable version of DD Form 2606 is available for digital filing and download below. Hard copies of the form can also be requested and completed at CDC centers, FCC, or Youth Centers.
The information provided within the form may also be used by the Department for tracking, evaluating, and reporting on the effectiveness of the program. When completed, the DD 2606 Form is returned to the appropriate child development program representative.
Most programs provide full-time care for children of active dutyservice members, DoD civilian employees paid by NAF or APF, and DoD Contractors and Reserve members on active duty or during active duty training. See Department of Defense Instruction 6060.02, Child Development Programs for additional information on eligibility and authorization to participate in DoD-operated Child Development Programs.
DD 2606 is completed by the child's official supervisor or patron. The completion of the form is not obligatory but if the form is not filled out properly there is a possibility of the applicant being denied daycare and other services.