Git Cheat Sheet - Harshad Shirwadkar

Git Cheat Sheet - Harshad Shirwadkar

The Git Cheat Sheet by Harshad Shirwadkar is a reference guide that provides a quick overview of common Git commands and their usage. It is useful for developers using Git as a version control system.


Q: What is Git?
A: Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development.

Q: How do I initialize a Git repository?
A: You can initialize a Git repository in a directory by using the command 'git init'. This creates a new repository in that directory.

Q: What is a commit?
A: A commit is a permanent record of a set of changes in a Git repository. It represents a snapshot of the repository at a specific point in time.

Q: How do I add files to the staging area?
A: You can add files to the staging area using the command 'git add '. This prepares the files for commit.

Q: How do I create a new branch?
A: You can create a new branch in Git using the command 'git branch '. This creates a new branch with the specified name.

Q: How do I switch to a different branch?
A: You can switch to a different branch in Git using the command 'git checkout '. This switches your working directory to the specified branch.

Q: How do I merge branches in Git?
A: You can merge branches in Git using the command 'git merge '. This combines the changes from the specified branch into your current branch.

Q: How do I push my changes to a remote repository?
A: You can push your changes to a remote repository using the command 'git push '. This sends your commits to the specified remote repository.

Q: How do I revert a commit in Git?
A: You can revert a commit in Git using the command 'git revert '. This creates a new commit that undoes the changes in the specified commit.


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  • A sneak peek of the "Git Cheat Sheet" document by Harshad Shirwadkar