Requests for Military Honors

Requests for Military Honors

Requests for Military Honors are made to honor and commemorate the service of deceased military personnel. These requests are typically submitted by family members or funeral homes to arrange for honors such as the folding and presentation of the American flag and the playing of Taps at the funeral or memorial service.

The requests for military honors are typically filed by the next of kin or the funeral home handling the arrangements.


Q: How do I request military honors for a loved one who served in the military?
A: To request military honors, you can contact the funeral home handling the arrangements or reach out to your local veterans' service organization.

Q: Are there any specific eligibility requirements to receive military honors?
A: Yes, generally, military honors can be provided for veterans who were discharged under honorable conditions.

Q: What types of military honors can be provided?
A: Military honors may include the folding and presentation of the American flag, the playing of Taps, and a ceremonial firing party.

Q: Is there a cost associated with requesting military honors?
A: No, there is no cost to request military honors for a eligible veteran.

Q: Can military honors be provided for veterans who were cremated?
A: Yes, military honors can be provided for veterans who were cremated. The honors can be performed at the cemetery or a memorial service.

Q: Can I request military honors for a veteran who passed away several years ago?
A: Yes, you can still request military honors for a veteran who passed away several years ago. It's best to contact your local veterans' service organization for assistance.

Q: How far in advance should I make a request for military honors?
A: It's recommended to make a request for military honors at least one week in advance to allow for proper planning and coordination.

Q: Can military honors be provided for veterans who were not U.S. citizens?
A: Yes, military honors can be provided for eligible veterans who were not U.S. citizens, as long as they served in the U.S. military.

Q: Can I request specific elements for the military honors ceremony?
A: Yes, you can request specific elements for the military honors ceremony, such as a specific branch of service for the honor guard or specific music selections. It's best to discuss your requests with the funeral home or veterans' service organization.


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