Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts - Queensland, Australia

Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts - Queensland, Australia

Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts in Queensland, Australia is used to request the other party in a legal case to admit or deny certain facts before the case goes to trial. This helps streamline the litigation process by narrowing the issues that will be disputed at trial.


Q: What is a Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts?
A: A Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts is a legal document used in Queensland, Australia to request the other party in a legal case to admit or agree to certain facts.

Q: When is a Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts used?
A: A Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts is used during the discovery phase of a legal case, where the parties exchange information and evidence. It is used to streamline the trial process by having the other party admit certain uncontested facts instead of proving them at trial.

Q: How does a Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts work?
A: The party serving the Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts sends it to the other party, who then has a specified period of time to admit or deny the facts listed. If the other party admits the facts, they are considered proven for the purposes of the trial.

Q: What if the other party does not respond to a Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts?
A: If the other party does not respond within the specified time period, the facts listed in the Notice are deemed admitted by default.

Q: Can a party refuse to admit the facts listed in a Form 24 Notice to Admit Facts?
A: Yes, a party can refuse to admit the facts if they have a good reason to do so. In that case, the requesting party will need to prove those facts at trial.


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