Clock Draw Test - Society of Hospital Medicine

Clock Draw Test - Society of Hospital Medicine

The Clock Draw Test, as recognized by the Society of Hospital Medicine, is a common and effective neurological test used to evaluate an individual's cognitive functioning. The primary aim of this simple assessment is to screen for cognitive impairment or neurological disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In the test, the person is asked to draw a clock and set a specific time, which helps gauge their command over concepts, planning, and memory. This test, despite being simple, can provide vital insights into visual-spatial and cognitive defects.

The Clock Draw Test is commonly filed by healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, or psychologists. The Society of Hospital Medicine, while often involved in disseminating information about such cognitive tests, does not typically file them. The test is usually administered during clinical evaluations or check-ups when there is a need to assess a patient's cognitive functions, such as in the case of suspected dementia or other neurological disorders.


Q: What is the Clock Draw Test?
A: The Clock Draw Test is a quick, effective method used to screen individuals for cognitive dysfunction. In particular, the patient is asked to draw a traditional clock face.

Q: What organization uses the Clock Draw Test?
A: The Clock Draw test is used by the Society of Hospital Medicine, as well as many other healthcare organizations, as part of cognitive screening.

Q: What is the Society of Hospital Medicine?
A: The Society of Hospital Medicine is an organization dedicated to promoting exceptional care for hospitalized patients.

Q: What does the Clock Draw Test screen for?
A: It screens for cognitive impairment, such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. The test assesses a person's ability to understand, remember and plan.

Q: How is the Clock Draw Test administered?
A: The test is typically administered by a healthcare professional. The patient is asked to draw a clock face, including all of the numbers and set a time specified by the professional.


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  • Clock Draw Test - Society of Hospital Medicine


  • Clock Draw Test - Society of Hospital Medicine, Page 2


  • Clock Draw Test Overview - Society of Hospital Medicine
  • Clock Draw Test - Society of Hospital Medicine, Page 2