Form 470-5152 Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report - Iowa

Form 470-5152 Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report - Iowa

Form 470-5152, also known as the Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report, is a document used in the state of Iowa, USA. This form is designed to certify the health status of individuals who wish to provide child care services. It is filled out by a licensed healthcare provider following a physical examination.

The document proves that the potential caregiver is medically fit and capable of looking after children. This means they don't have any health concerns that may jeopardize the safety or well-being of the children in their care. It often includes sections for medical history, examination details, and the healthcare provider's certification. It's part of the measures put in place to safeguard children and their families by ensuring providers are healthy and well-equipped for the job.

The Form 470-5152 Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report - Iowa is typically filed by healthcare providers. This form is used to document the physical examination of an individual who is applying to become a child care provider in the state of Iowa. The healthcare provider conducting the exam fills out the form with relevant health information about the applicant to ensure that they are physically fit to care for children.


Q: What is the Form 470-5152 in Iowa?
A: Form 470-5152 is a Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report used in the state of Iowa. It's a document that certifies a childcare provider has undergone a physical examination and is in suitable condition to work with kids.

Q: Who needs to fill out the Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report in Iowa?
A: This form is required to be completed by individuals who are looking to work as childcare providers in Iowa. It must be filled out by a licensed healthcare provider after conducting a physical examination.

Q: What information is required on Form 470-5152?
A: The form requires personal information like Name, Address, Date of Birth, and healthcare provider's observations and remarks about the person's health status. It also includes a section for the healthcare provider to indicate if the individual is fit to provide child care services.

Q: Why is the Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report important?
A: This form is important because it ensures the safety and well-being of children by verifying that childcare providers are physically capable of doing their job without posing any health-related risks to the kids they care for.

Q: How often do I need to undergo a physical examination as a childcare provider in Iowa?
A: The Iowa Department of Human Services requires a physical examination for childcare providers every two years. However, it's recommended to confirm with your employer, as they may have additional requirements.


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