Blood Transfusion Service Donor Questionnaire

Blood Transfusion Service Donor Questionnaire

The Blood Transfusion Service Donor Questionnaire is used to gather important information from potential blood donors. It helps to assess the donor's eligibility and ensure the safety and suitability of donated blood.

The blood transfusion service donor questionnaire is typically filled out by the individual who wants to donate blood.


Q: What is a blood transfusion?
A: A blood transfusion is a medical procedure in which blood from a donor is given to a person who needs it.

Q: Who can be a blood donor?
A: Any healthy individual between the ages of 16 and 75, weighing at least 110 pounds, and meeting other eligibility criteria can be a blood donor.

Q: Why is there a questionnaire for blood donors?
A: The questionnaire helps ensure the safety of the blood supply by identifying potential risk factors for certain diseases that may be transmitted through blood.

Q: What kind of questions are asked in the donor questionnaire?
A: The questions in the donor questionnaire may include information about your medical history, travel history, sexual activity, and lifestyle habits.

Q: Why are there questions about sexual activity in the donor questionnaire?
A: Questions about sexual activity help identify potential risks for transmitting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Q: Can I donate blood if I have recently traveled to a different country?
A: Certain travel destinations may have increased risk of infectious diseases. Depending on the specific country you have traveled to and the time frame, you may be deferred from donating blood.

Q: Can I donate blood if I have a tattoo or piercing?
A: In most cases, you can donate blood if you have a tattoo or piercing, as long as it was done in a licensed establishment using sterile equipment.

Q: Can I donate blood if I am currently taking medication?
A: It depends on the specific medication you are taking. Some medications may temporarily defer you from donating blood, while others may not have any impact.

Q: What happens if I am deferred from donating blood?
A: If you are deferred from donating blood, it means that you are temporarily unable to donate due to certain risk factors. You may be eligible to donate in the future if the risk factors no longer apply.

Q: Is donating blood safe?
A: Yes, donating blood is generally safe. Blood collection facilities follow strict protocols to ensure the safety of donors and the blood supply.


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