Influenza Vaccine Consent Form

Influenza Vaccine Consent Form

The Influenza Vaccine Consent Form is used to obtain consent from a person to receive the influenza vaccine. It ensures that the person is aware of the risks and benefits associated with the vaccine and voluntarily agrees to receive it.

The Influenza Vaccine Consent Form is typically filed by the individual receiving the vaccine or their legal guardian, if applicable.


Q: What is an influenza vaccine?
A: An influenza vaccine is a vaccine that helps protect against the flu.

Q: Who should get an influenza vaccine?
A: The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older gets an influenza vaccine.

Q: Why is it important to get an influenza vaccine?
A: Getting vaccinated against the flu can help prevent illness, hospitalization, and even death.

Q: How effective is the influenza vaccine?
A: The effectiveness of the influenza vaccine can vary from year to year, but it is the best way to prevent the flu.

Q: Are there any side effects of the influenza vaccine?
A: Some common side effects of the influenza vaccine include soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site, and low-grade fever.

Q: Can I get the flu from the influenza vaccine?
A: No, you cannot get the flu from the influenza vaccine. The vaccine contains either inactivated virus or no virus at all.

Q: When should I get the influenza vaccine?
A: The flu season typically starts in the fall, so it is recommended to get vaccinated before the flu season begins.

Q: Can I get an influenza vaccine if I have allergies?
A: Most people with egg allergies can still get the influenza vaccine, as there are typically low amounts of egg protein in the vaccine. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Q: Is the influenza vaccine covered by insurance?
A: Many insurance plans cover the cost of the influenza vaccine, but it is best to check with your insurance provider to be sure.


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