Fortune Teller Template - Reflex

Fortune Teller Template - Reflex

Fortune Teller Template - Reflex is a document template used to create a fortune teller or cootie catcher game. It is typically used for fun and interactive activities, especially popular among children.


Q: What is a reflex?
A: A reflex is an involuntary response to a stimulus.

Q: How does a reflex work?
A: When a stimulus is detected by sensory receptors, a message is sent to the spinal cord, which in turn sends a message to the muscles to respond.

Q: What are some examples of reflexes?
A: Examples of reflexes include blinking when something comes close to the eye, sneezing when irritated, and pulling away from a hot surface.

Q: Can reflexes be controlled?
A: Reflexes are typically automatic and cannot be consciously controlled.

Q: Are reflexes the same for everyone?
A: While most people have similar reflexes, there can be variations or differences in response due to factors such as genetics and individual differences.


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