Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report - Egg Program - Texas

Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report - Egg Program - Texas

Form REG-204, also known as the Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report, is a document used in the state of Texas for monitoring and reporting about eggs brought into the state from other areas. This form falls under the Egg Program of Texas which is overseen by the Department of State Health Services. Licensed egg dealers from outside of Texas are required to submit this form on a monthly basis. The form covers data such as the number of eggs imported, the date of import, the source of the eggs, and where they are distributed. This aids the Department in tracking egg movement for health, safety, and regulatory purposes.

Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report is filed by out-of-state egg and/or embryo producers, dealers, brokers, or transports that sell eggs or embryos in the state of Texas. This report is mandatory and must be filed on a monthly basis to the Texas Department of Agriculture - Egg Program, irrespective of sales volume or frequency. The aim of this is to ensure the quality and safety of eggs and egg products sold in Texas.


Q: What is the Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report?
A: The Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report is a document that out-of-state licensees must submit to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). This report is part of the TDA's Egg Program and involves reporting on the quantity and grade of eggs distributed in Texas for the month.

Q: Who needs to submit Form REG-204?
A: Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report is required to be submitted by out-of-state licensees who distribute eggs in Texas. They need to provide this report every month to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).

Q: How often should Form REG-204 be submitted?
A: Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report should be submitted monthly. The Texas Department of Agriculture requires this reporting frequency to keep accurate and up-to-date records of the egg distribution in the state.

Q: What is the Texas Department of Agriculture's Egg Program?
A: The Texas Department of Agriculture's Egg Program regulates the quality of shell eggs sold in Texas. It ensures that egg cartons are properly labeled with accurate grade, size, and date of packaging information. The program also involves the collection of monthly reports from egg distributors, and the implementation of testing schemes to protect consumers.

Q: Why is the Form REG-204 important?
A: The Form REG-204 is important as it allows the Texas Department of Agriculture to monitor the distribution, quality, and quantity of eggs being sold in Texas by out-of-state licensees. This is crucial for consumer safety, fair business practices and for ensuring the overall health of the state's egg industry.


Download Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report - Egg Program - Texas

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  • Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report - Egg Program - Texas, Page 2


  • Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report - Egg Program - Texas, Page 1
  • Form REG-204 Out-of-State Licensee Monthly Egg Report - Egg Program - Texas, Page 2