Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment - Illinois

Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment - Illinois

Form BoBS2835, also known as the IDOT Subrecipient Risk Assessment, is a document utilized by the Illinois Department of Transportation. This form is used to assess the financial and compliance risk associated with subrecipients, those receiving funds from the Department, before they are given these funds. The IDOT uses the information provided in this form to determine the level of monitoring required for each subrecipient. The evaluation involves a review of the subrecipient's past performance, audit reports, accounting systems, and capacity to implement federally-funded projects effectively. This form helps ensure that any funds granted are utilized efficiently, responsibly, and in compliance with legal and policy requirements.

Form BoBS2835, also known as the IDOT Subrecipient Risk Assessment - Illinois, is typically filed by subrecipients of grant funds from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). These subrecipients may include local and regional municipal entities, transportation agencies, non-profit organizations, or other entities who are receiving these funds for transportation-related projects within the state of Illinois.


Q: What is Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment?
A: Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment is a document used by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to assess the risk associated with granting funds to subrecipients. This is used to ensure appropriate governance and accountability for organizations that receive state funding through IDOT.

Q: Who uses Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment?
A: Illinois Department of Transportation uses the Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment to gauge the potential risks involved with various funding recipients.

Q: What is the purpose of the Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment?
A: The purpose of Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment is to assess potential financial and operational risks with the various organisations that receive funding through IDOT. It is part of the process to maintain accountability and transparency in the use of public funds.

Q: Who needs to fill out Form BoBS2835 Idot Subrecipient Risk Assessment?
A: Subrecipients of funds from the Illinois Department of Transportation need to fill out the Form BoBS2835. This can include organizations, municipalities, or other entities that are receiving funding for a particular project or operation.


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