Covid-19 Temperature Self-monitoring Form

Covid-19 Temperature Self-monitoring Form

The Covid-19 Temperature Self-monitoring Form is used for individuals to monitor their own body temperature regularly as a precautionary measure to detect potential symptoms of Covid-19.

The Covid-19 Temperature Self-monitoring Form can be filled out by individuals who are required to self-monitor their temperature for symptoms of Covid-19.


Q: What is the purpose of the Covid-19 Temperature Self-monitoring Form?
A: The form is used to monitor one's temperature for symptoms of Covid-19.

Q: How often should I fill out the form?
A: The form should be filled out daily.

Q: Why is it important to monitor my temperature?
A: Monitoring temperature can help identify potential symptoms of Covid-19.

Q: What temperature should I be concerned about?
A: A temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher should be a cause for concern.

Q: What should I do if I have a high temperature?
A: If you have a high temperature, you should stay home, monitor your symptoms, and seek medical advice if necessary.

Q: Who should fill out the form?
A: Anyone who wants to monitor their temperature or has been advised to do so by healthcare professionals.


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