US Units Conversion Chart - Joslin Diabetes Center

US Units Conversion Chart - Joslin Diabetes Center

The US Units Conversion Chart provided by the Joslin Diabetes Center is used for converting units of measurement commonly used in diabetes management, such as blood glucose levels, from one unit system to another. It helps individuals understand and interpret their diabetes-related measurements in a way that is familiar and convenient for them.


Q: What is the conversion factor for converting feet to meters?
A: Multiply the number of feet by 0.3048 to convert to meters.

Q: How do I convert pounds to kilograms?
A: Divide the number of pounds by 2.205 to convert to kilograms.

Q: What is the conversion factor for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius?
A: Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and multiply by 0.5556 to convert to Celsius.

Q: How do I convert ounces to grams?
A: Multiply the number of ounces by 28.35 to convert to grams.

Q: What is the conversion factor for converting miles to kilometers?
A: Multiply the number of miles by 1.609 to convert to kilometers.

Q: How do I convert gallons to liters?
A: Multiply the number of gallons by 3.785 to convert to liters.

Q: What is the conversion factor for converting inches to centimeters?
A: Multiply the number of inches by 2.54 to convert to centimeters.

Q: How do I convert fluid ounces to milliliters?
A: Multiply the number of fluid ounces by 29.57 to convert to milliliters.

Q: What is the conversion factor for converting quarts to liters?
A: Multiply the number of quarts by 0.9464 to convert to liters.

Q: How do I convert teaspoons to milliliters?
A: Multiply the number of teaspoons by 4.93 to convert to milliliters.


Download US Units Conversion Chart - Joslin Diabetes Center

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  • US Units Conversion Chart - A Useful Tool for Diabetes Management