Baby's Teething Chart - Queen's Printer for Ontario

Baby's Teething Chart - Queen's Printer for Ontario

The Baby's Teething Chart by Queen's Printer for Ontario is a resource that provides information and guidance on the teething process in babies. It helps parents understand when and how their baby's teeth will come in.


Q: What is a teething chart?
A: A teething chart is a tool that helps parents track the eruption of their baby's teeth.

Q: Why is it important to track a baby's teething?
A: Tracking a baby's teething can help parents identify any potential issues or delays in their baby's dental development.

Q: What does the teething chart show?
A: The teething chart shows the different stages of a baby's teething and when each tooth is expected to come in.

Q: How can I use the teething chart?
A: You can use the teething chart to keep a record of when each tooth erupts and compare it to the expected timeline.


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  • Baby's Teething Chart - Queen's Printer for Ontario, Page 2


  • Baby's Teething Chart - Free Printable PDF
  • Babys Teething Chart - Queens Printer for Ontario, Page 2