Peak Flow Chart - Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Peak Flow Chart - Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

The Peak Flow Chart from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research is used to monitor lung function in individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions. It helps track changes in peak expiratory flow rate, which is a measure of how well air flows out of the lungs. This chart can assist in managing and adjusting treatment plans for these conditions.


Q: What is a Peak Flow Chart?
A: A Peak Flow Chart is a tool used to measure how well your lungs are working.

Q: How is a Peak Flow Chart used?
A: To use a Peak Flow Chart, you simply blow into a handheld device called a peak flow meter and record the number it shows.

Q: Why is a Peak Flow Chart important?
A: A Peak Flow Chart can help you and your doctor monitor your lung function and manage your asthma or other respiratory conditions.

Q: Who can benefit from using a Peak Flow Chart?
A: Anyone with asthma or other respiratory conditions can benefit from using a Peak Flow Chart.

Q: How often should you use a Peak Flow Chart?
A: Your doctor will recommend how often you should use a Peak Flow Chart based on your individual needs.

Q: What do the numbers on a Peak Flow Chart mean?
A: The numbers on a Peak Flow Chart indicate how well your lungs are working. Lower numbers may indicate a problem or worsening condition.

Q: What should you do if your Peak Flow numbers are low?
A: If your Peak Flow numbers are low, it is important to follow your asthma action plan or contact your doctor for further instructions.

Q: Can a Peak Flow Chart be used for other respiratory conditions besides asthma?
A: Yes, a Peak Flow Chart can be used by individuals with other respiratory conditions to monitor lung function.

Q: Is a Peak Flow Chart covered by insurance?
A: Coverage for a Peak Flow Chart may vary depending on your insurance provider. It is best to check with your insurance company for specific coverage details.


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  • Peak Flow Chart - Woolcock Institute of Medical Research
  • Peak Flow Chart - Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Page 2
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