DOE Form 540.5 Subgrantee Information - Weatherization Assistance Program

DOE Form 540.5 Subgrantee Information - Weatherization Assistance Program

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Form 540.5 is related to the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). This form is specifically designed for sub-grantees. The Weatherization Assistance Program helps increase the energy efficiency of homes owned or occupied by low-income individuals. This, in turn, reduces their household energy costs.

Form DOE 540.5 collects a variety of information from the subgrantee, such as its name, address, federal tax identification number, and diverse financial information related to the grant. This information is vital in ensuring that the correct parties receive the proper funds, that compliance with federal regulations is maintained, and that the taxpayers' dollars are used responsibly.

In essence, this form aids DOE in managing and evaluating the program's progress and effectiveness by keeping track of who is getting what and for what purpose.

The DOE Form 540.5 Subgrantee Information - Weatherization Assistance Program is filed by subgrantees under the U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Generally, these subgrantees are typically local government agencies, community action agencies, or other nonprofit organizations that implement the weatherization efforts at the local level. This form is used to provide information about the subgrantee and the services they provide under the WAP.


Q: What is DOE Form 540.5?
A: DOE (Department of Energy) Form 540.5 is a document associated with the Weatherization Assistance Program. It is used to collect information from subgrantees involved in the program.

Q: What is Weatherization Assistance Program?
A: The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a federally funded initiative in the United States, overseen by the Department of Energy. The program's main aim is to improve energy efficiency in homes, particularly those of low-income families, thereby reducing their energy costs.

Q: Who uses the DOE Form 540.5?
A: DOE Form 540.5 is used by subgrantees of the Weatherization Assistance Program. These subgrantees may be certain state-level agencies, local governments, community agencies, non-profit organizations, or tribal organizations.

Q: What is the purpose of DOE Form 540.5?
A: The main purpose of the DOE Form 540.5 is to gather information relating to the activities, performance and expenditure of the subgrantees. The collected information allows the Department of Energy to monitor and evaluate the compliance and effectiveness of the subgrantees.

Q: How can I fill out a DOE Form 540.5?
A: A DOE Form 540.5 is typically filled out by a representative of the subgrant recipient. Specific instructions for each part of the form should be provided by the Department of Energy. The form usually requires details such as the organization's name and contact information, the grant number, descriptions of program activities and a financial report.


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