Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French)

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Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French)

Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French) is a form used in Ontario, Canada for the registration and installation of a radiological source. It is used to request permission and provide information about the installation of a radiological source in accordance with the regulations in Ontario.

The Forme ON00057F "Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique" in Ontario, Canada (French) is filed by individuals or organizations seeking registration and installation of a radiological source.


Q: What is ON00057F form?
A: The ON00057F form is a request for registration and installation of a radiological source in Ontario, Canada.

Q: Who can use the ON00057F form?
A: Any individual or organization planning to install a radiological source in Ontario, Canada can use the ON00057F form.

Q: What is the purpose of the ON00057F form?
A: The ON00057F form is used to request permission and provide necessary information for the installation of a radiological source in Ontario to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.

Q: How long does it take to process the ON00057F form?
A: The processing time for the ON00057F form varies depending on the complexity of the request, but it generally takes several weeks to complete.

Q: What are the requirements for filling out the ON00057F form?
A: The ON00057F form requires detailed information about the radiological source, including its type, activity, and intended use, as well as information about the applicant and their qualifications.

Q: Are there any fees associated with the ON00057F form?
A: Yes, there are fees associated with the ON00057F form, which vary depending on the type and activity of the radiological source being installed.

Q: What happens after submitting the ON00057F form?
A: After submitting the ON00057F form, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will review the application, conduct inspections if necessary, and communicate with the applicant regarding any additional requirements or approvals.


Download Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French)

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  • Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French)


  • Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 2


  • Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 3


  • Forme ON00057F Demande D'inscription Et D'installation D'une Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 4


  • Forme ON00057F Demande Dinscription Et Dinstallation Dune Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 1
  • Forme ON00057F Demande Dinscription Et Dinstallation Dune Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 2
  • Forme ON00057F Demande Dinscription Et Dinstallation Dune Source Radiologique - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 3
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