Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada

Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada

Form A-50 Application under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) in Ontario, Canada is used to apply for the early termination of a collective agreement. This form is typically used when there are significant changes in circumstances that warrant the termination of the agreement before its scheduled expiration date.

The form A-50 application under section 58(3) of the Act for early termination of a collective agreement in Ontario, Canada is typically filed by either the employer or the trade union representing the employees.


Q: What is Form A-50?
A: Form A-50 is an application form used in Ontario, Canada for the early termination of a collective agreement.

Q: What is the purpose of Form A-50?
A: The purpose of Form A-50 is to apply for the early termination of a collective agreement under Section 58(3) of the Act in Ontario, Canada.

Q: Who can use Form A-50?
A: Any person or party affected by a collective agreement in Ontario, Canada can use Form A-50 to apply for its early termination.

Q: What is Section 58(3) of the Act?
A: Section 58(3) of the Act refers to the specific provision of the law in Ontario, Canada that allows for the early termination of a collective agreement.

Q: What supporting documents are required with Form A-50?
A: You may need to provide additional documents, such as the collective agreement, a statement of reasons for the request, and any evidence supporting the application.

Q: What happens after submitting Form A-50?
A: After submitting Form A-50, the Ontario Labour Relations Board will review the application and determine whether to grant the early termination of the collective agreement.

Q: What are the possible outcomes of a Form A-50 application?
A: The possible outcomes of a Form A-50 application include the early termination of the collective agreement, dismissal of the application, or other determinations as deemed appropriate by the Ontario Labour Relations Board.

Q: Can the decision of the Ontario Labour Relations Board be appealed?
A: Yes, the decision of the Ontario Labour Relations Board can be appealed to the Divisional Court within 30 days of the decision.


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  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 2


  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 3


  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 4


  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 5


  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 1
  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 2
  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 3
  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 4
  • Form A-50 Application Under Section 58(3) of the Act (Early Termination of Collective Agreement) - Ontario, Canada, Page 5

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