Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French)

Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French)

Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada is a legal form used in Ontario, Canada. This form is used for making a formal request under Paragraph 58 (3) of their Labor Relations Act. Particularly, when there is an early expiration of a collective agreement. This could occur in labor unions or workplaces where there are collective bargaining agreements in place. These agreements might be set to expire at a specific date, but there could be situations where the agreement needs to end prematurely, and this form would be needed to officially request that action. It is important to note that this form is in French as Canada has official bilingual status with both English and French being used.

The Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) is filed by either an employer or a labor union in Ontario, Canada. This form is used when either party wants to terminate or alter a collective agreement before its natural expiration date. It is important to note that both parties involved need to abide by the laws and regulations stipulated by the Ontario Labor Relations Board.


Q: What is Forme A-50 in Ontario, Canada?
A: Forme A-50, or Form A-50, is a specific legal document used in Ontario, Canada. It is a request under Section 58(3) of the Act for the Early Termination of a Collective Agreement.

Q: What is a Collective Agreement?
A: A Collective Agreement is a written contract between an employer and a union that sets out the terms and conditions of employment. This can include wage rates, hours, working conditions, and other workplace issues.

Q: When is Form A-50 used?
A: Form A-50 is used when there is a need to request for the early termination of a collective agreement. This is typically spurred by significant changes in the workplace or employer/employee relationships, making the current agreement outdated or counterproductive.

Q: What is Section 58(3) of the Act in Ontario, Canada?
A: Section 58(3) of the Act in Ontario, Canada, addresses the alteration, cancellation, or termination of a collective agreement during its term. It indicates certain conditions that if met, can allow for the premature ending of the agreement.

Q: Is Form A-50 available in other languages?
A: Form A-50 is available in both English and French, as Canada is a bilingual country.

Q: What happens after Form A-50 is submitted?
A: Once the Form A-50 is submitted, it is reviewed by the relevant authorities. If the request for early termination of the collective agreement is found to be justified, then the process can move forward. The exact procedure can vary depending upon the specific situation and factors.


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  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French)


  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 2


  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 3


  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 4


  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree D'une Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 5


  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree Dune Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 1
  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree Dune Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 2
  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree Dune Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 3
  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree Dune Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 4
  • Forme A-50 Requete En Vertu Du Paragraphe 58 (3) De La Loi (Expiration Prematuree Dune Convention Collective) - Ontario, Canada (French), Page 5

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