Xlsform Cheat Sheet

Xlsform Cheat Sheet

The Xlsform Cheat Sheet is a resource that provides a quick reference guide for creating forms using Xlsform, which is a tool for building surveys or data collection forms. It helps users understand the syntax and structure required to create these forms efficiently.

The Xlsform cheat sheet is typically filed and maintained by the creators or developers of the Xlsform tool.


Q: What is an Xlsform?
A: Xlsform is a tool used to create forms for data collection using the XLSX file format.

Q: How do I create an Xlsform?
A: To create an Xlsform, you can use tools like Excel or Google Sheets to create a spreadsheet with specific columns following the Xlsform syntax.

Q: What is Xlsform syntax?
A: Xlsform syntax is a specific set of rules and conventions used to define form questions, options, and behavior in a spreadsheet.

Q: What are the columns required in an Xlsform spreadsheet?
A: The required columns in an Xlsform spreadsheet are 'type', 'name', and 'label'. Other columns like 'hint' or 'constraint' can be optional.

Q: How do I convert an Xlsform to a form?
A: To convert an Xlsform to a form, you can use tools like ODK Build or XLSForm Offline.

Q: What is ODK Build?
A: ODK Build is a web-based tool that allows you to create forms using a drag-and-drop interface, and it can convert Xlsform spreadsheets into deployable forms.

Q: What is XLSForm Offline?
A: XLSForm Offline is a software that allows you to convert Xlsform spreadsheets into deployable forms offline, without the need for an internet connection.

Q: What is a deployable form in the context of Xlsform?
A: A deployable form is a form that can be uploaded and used in a data collection tool like ODK Collect or Kobo Toolbox.

Q: Can I test my Xlsform before deploying it?
A: Yes, you can test your Xlsform using tools like ODK Validate or Enketo webforms to ensure that it is error-free and behaves as expected.

Q: What are some other tools or platforms related to Xlsform?
A: Some other tools or platforms related to Xlsform include ODK Collect, Kobo Toolbox, and Formhub.


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