Drupal 6 Cheat Sheet

Drupal 6 Cheat Sheet

The Drupal 6 Cheat Sheet is a quick reference guide for developers and administrators using Drupal 6, a content management system. It provides helpful tips, shortcuts, and code snippets to assist in working with Drupal 6.


Q: What is Drupal 6?
A: Drupal 6 is a content management system (CMS) software.

Q: What are some features of Drupal 6?
A: Some features of Drupal 6 include customizable themes, user management, content creation and editing, and community interaction.

Q: Is Drupal 6 still supported?
A: No, Drupal 6 is no longer supported, as its end-of-life was reached in February 2016.

Q: What are some alternatives to Drupal 6?
A: Some alternatives to Drupal 6 include Drupal 7, Drupal 8, and other popular CMS platforms like WordPress and Joomla.

Q: What is the difference between Drupal 6 and Drupal 7?
A: Drupal 7 introduced new features and improvements over Drupal 6, including better performance, enhanced content editing, and improved user interface.

Q: Can I still find Drupal 6 modules and themes?
A: While Drupal 6 modules and themes may still be available, it is recommended to use newer versions of modules and themes that are compatible with the latest supported Drupal versions.


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