Terraform Cheat Sheet - Justin O'connor

Terraform Cheat Sheet - Justin O'connor

The Terraform Cheat Sheet by Justin O'Connor is a resource that provides a quick reference guide for working with Terraform, a popular infrastructure as code tool. It helps users to understand and use Terraform commands, configurations, and syntax more efficiently.


Q: What is Terraform?
A: Terraform is an open-source infrastructure-as-code software tool.

Q: What does infrastructure-as-code mean?
A: Infrastructure-as-code refers to the practice of managing infrastructure and configuration using code instead of manual processes.

Q: Who created Terraform?
A: Terraform was created by HashiCorp.

Q: What programming language does Terraform use?
A: Terraform uses its own domain-specific language (DSL) called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language).

Q: What can Terraform be used for?
A: Terraform can be used to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure resources in various cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Q: What is a Terraform module?
A: A Terraform module is a self-contained set of Terraform configuration files that define a specific infrastructure component or function.

Q: What are Terraform providers?
A: Terraform providers are responsible for interacting with various infrastructure APIs and services offered by cloud providers.

Q: Can Terraform be used for on-premises infrastructure?
A: Yes, Terraform can be used to manage on-premises infrastructure in addition to cloud resources.

Q: Is Terraform free?
A: Yes, Terraform is an open-source tool and is free to use.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Terraform?
A: Yes, some alternatives to Terraform include AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager.


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