A Vim Cheat-Sheet is a reference or quick guide that provides a summary of the different commands and shortcuts available in the Vim text editor. It helps users navigate and perform various tasks more efficiently within Vim.
Q: What is Vim?
A: Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing.
Q: How can I enter insert mode in Vim?
A: Press 'i' to enter insert mode in Vim.
Q: How can I save a file in Vim?
A: In normal mode, press ':' to enter command mode and then type ':w' to save the file.
Q: How can I quit Vim?
A: In normal mode, press ':' to enter command mode and then type ':q' to quit Vim.
Q: How can I copy, cut, and paste text in Vim?
A: In normal mode, use 'y' to copy (yank), 'd' to cut (delete), and 'p' to paste.
Q: How can I search for text in Vim?
A: In normal mode, press '/' to enter search mode and then type the text you want to search for.
Q: How can I undo and redo actions in Vim?
A: In normal mode, use 'u' to undo and 'Ctrl + r' to redo an action.