Github Git Cheat Sheet - Dark Blue

Github Git Cheat Sheet - Dark Blue

The GitHub Git Cheat Sheet - Dark Blue is a reference guide that provides a quick overview of various Git commands and concepts. It is designed to help users navigate and work with Git repositories on GitHub.


Q: What is GitHub?
A: GitHub is a web-based platform used for version control and collaboration on software development projects.

Q: What is Git?
A: Git is an open-source version control system that GitHub is built upon.

Q: What is version control?
A: Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time, allowing you to recall specific versions later.

Q: How does Git work?
A: Git tracks changes to files using snapshots. When you commit changes, Git creates a new snapshot of the entire repository.

Q: What is a repository?
A: In Git, a repository is a collection of files, along with their revision history.

Q: How can I create a new repository?
A: You can create a new repository on GitHub by clicking the 'New' button on your repository page.

Q: How can I clone a repository?
A: To clone a repository, use the 'git clone' command followed by the URL of the repository.

Q: What is a branch?
A: A branch is a parallel version of a repository. It allows multiple people to work on different parts of a project at the same time.

Q: How can I merge branches in Git?
A: To merge branches, use the 'git merge' command followed by the name of the branch you want to merge into your current branch.

Q: What is a pull request?
A: A pull request is a way to propose changes to a repository. It notifies others that you have made changes and allows them to review and discuss your proposed changes.


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