Javascript Es6 and Beyond Cheat Sheet

Javascript Es6 and Beyond Cheat Sheet

The JavaScript ES6 and Beyond Cheat Sheet is a quick reference guide that provides a summary of the new features and syntax introduced in JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and later versions. It is useful for developers who want to quickly look up the new features and how to use them in their JavaScript code.


Q: What is ES6?
A: ES6 stands for ECMAScript 6, which is the sixth edition of the ECMAScript language specification.

Q: What are some new features in ES6?
A: Some popular features introduced in ES6 include arrow functions, template literals, classes, and modules.

Q: What is the arrow function in ES6?
A: Arrow functions are a more concise syntax for writing JavaScript functions.

Q: What are template literals?
A: Template literals are a way to concatenate strings and embed expressions in JavaScript.

Q: What is a class in ES6?
A: A class is a way to define a blueprint for creating objects in JavaScript.

Q: What are modules in ES6?
A: Modules are a way to organize and share code in JavaScript.

Q: Is ES6 widely supported in browsers?
A: While most modern browsers support many ES6 features, some features may require polyfills or transpilation to work in older browsers.

Q: What is transpilation?
A: Transpilation is the process of converting code written in one programming language (such as ES6) to another (such as ES5) so that it can be executed in environments that do not support the original language.


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