DA Form 348, Equipment Operator's Qualification Record (Except Aircraft) , is a form issued by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) released on August 1, 2011 , and employed to determine equipment operating qualifications and driving experience of a service member. DA Form 348 fillable version is available for download below.
DA Form 348-1, Equipment Operator's Qualification Record (Except Aircraft), is a related form used for additional space in the event there is not enough room on the original form.
Individuals using equipment that belongs or is being rented by the Armed Forces submit this form to the commanding officer. The correct completion of the form is reviewed upon releasing the military personnel from their operating duties. All records on the form are permanent and not subject to change.
Filling out DA Form 348 starts with providing your personal details. Enter your name, sex, eye and hair color, DOB, permit number including physical or operational limitations, if applicable.
Enter data for the type and size of equipment, information about special equipment, date, and name of the examiner in Section I ("Official Qualifications").
List your background and experience by types and sizes of equipment, types of driving in special conditions, i.e. long haul, city, or rural in Section II ("Background and Experience"). Enter your additional licenses, if any.
Enter your performance records, credits (including awards, training/retraining, relicensing, etc.), as well as any accidents or violations, license suspensions, etc. in Section III ("Performance Record"). The commander states an action undertaken for improving performance in the right-hand column.
Enter your score results in Section IV ("Examination Findings"). Subsection I is for a physical evaluation, from visual acuity to reaction time and depth, and color perception. This section is signed by the examiner and a medic. The "Driving Performance Test" subsection is also divided into several blocks:
In some cases, additional requirements for the license may be entered, such as local laws, accident reporting, etc.
The examiner will provide their recommendations in Subsection II, Part B ("Driving Test"). You are then expected to sign off on the form for having been informed of your driving faults.