Contract Termination of Contracts Previously Approved by Pprb - Mississippi

Contract Termination of Contracts Previously Approved by Pprb - Mississippi

Contract Termination of Contracts Previously Approved by Pprb is a legal document that was released by the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration - a government authority operating within Mississippi.


Q: What is PPRB?
A: PPRB stands for Public ProcurementReview Board. It is responsible for reviewing and approving contracts in Mississippi.

Q: Can contracts previously approved by PPRB be terminated?
A: Yes, contracts previously approved by PPRB can be terminated under certain circumstances.

Q: What is the process for terminating a contract approved by PPRB?
A: The process for terminating a contract approved by PPRB may vary depending on the specific circumstances. It is advisable to consult legal counsel or refer to the contract itself.

Q: Are there any consequences for terminating a contract approved by PPRB?
A: There may be consequences for terminating a contract approved by PPRB, such as potential legal or financial liabilities. It is important to carefully consider the implications before proceeding with contract termination.

Q: Who should be contacted for more information on contract termination in Mississippi?
A: For more information on contract termination in Mississippi, it is best to contact the Public Procurement Review Board (PPRB) or seek legal advice.


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  • The latest edition currently provided by the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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