Forme IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'eimt - Canada (French)

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Forme IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'eimt - Canada (French)

Forme IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'eimt is a Canada immigration form used to apply for an opinion on exemption from a work permit or Labor MarketImpact Assessment (LMIA) requirement. It is used in cases where individuals may be eligible for a work permit exemption based on specific criteria.

The employer files the Form IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'EMIT in Canada (French).


Q: What is the Form IMM5686?
A: The Form IMM5686 is a Canadian form used for applying for an opinion to get a work permit exemption or an EIMT.

Q: What is a work permit exemption?
A: A work permit exemption allows certain individuals to work in Canada without obtaining a work permit.

Q: What is an EIMT?
A: EIMT stands for Employer-specific LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) exemption.

Q: Who should use Form IMM5686?
A: Form IMM5686 should be used by individuals who are seeking a work permit exemption or an EIMT.

Q: What are the requirements for a work permit exemption?
A: The requirements for a work permit exemption vary depending on the specific exemption category. It's best to consult the official guidelines or an immigration lawyer for specific requirements.

Q: Can I work in Canada without a work permit?
A: In some cases, individuals may be eligible to work in Canada without a work permit. This usually applies to specific exemption categories, such as certain types of international agreements or programs.

Q: Can I apply for a work permit exemption after entering Canada?
A: In most cases, work permit exemptions need to be applied for before entering Canada. It's recommended to consult the official guidelines or an immigration lawyer for specific details.


Download Forme IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'eimt - Canada (French)

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  • Forme IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'eimt - Canada (French)


  • Forme IMM5686 Demande D'opinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou D'eimt - Canada (French), Page 2


  • Forme IMM5686 Demande Dopinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou Deimt - Canada (French), Page 1
  • Forme IMM5686 Demande Dopinion Pour Une Dispense De Permis De Travail Ou Deimt - Canada (French), Page 2