Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming

Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming

Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund is a legal document that was released by the Wyoming Military Department - a government authority operating within Wyoming.


Q: What is the Dependent Care Assistance program?
A: The Dependent Care Assistance program is a program offered by the Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund to provide financial assistance for child and dependent care expenses for eligible military families.

Q: Who is eligible for the Dependent Care Assistance program?
A: Eligibility for the program is limited to active duty military members who are residents of Wyoming or stationed in Wyoming, and have dependent care needs while on active duty.

Q: What kind of expenses does the program cover?
A: The program can cover expenses related to licensed child care centers, registered family child care homes, before and after-school care, and summer day camps.

Q: How much financial assistance does the program provide?
A: The amount of financial assistance provided varies and is based on documented need and available funds. There is a maximum limit per child, per month.

Q: How can I apply for the Dependent Care Assistance program?
A: You can apply for the program by completing the application form provided by the Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund. The application should include documentation of your military service and the specific dependent care needs you have.

Q: Are there any deadlines for applying?
A: There are no specific deadlines for applying, but it is recommended to submit your application as soon as possible to ensure consideration for available funds.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the Wyoming Military Department;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Wyoming Military Department.

Download Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming

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  • Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming


  • Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming, Page 2


  • Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming, Page 3


  • Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming, Page 1
  • Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming, Page 2
  • Application for Dependent Care Assistance - Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund - Wyoming, Page 3