Chinese New Year Worksheet - Alphabetical Order

Chinese New Year Worksheet - Alphabetical Order

The Chinese New Year Worksheet - Alphabetical Order is a worksheet designed to help students practice arranging words or vocabulary related to Chinese New Year in alphabetical order. It helps improve their alphabetical ordering skills while also learning about Chinese New Year.


Q: What is Chinese New Year?
A: Chinese New Year is a traditional Chinese holiday that marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year.

Q: When is Chinese New Year celebrated?
A: Chinese New Year is celebrated in late January or early February.

Q: What are some customs and traditions associated with Chinese New Year?
A: Some customs and traditions include cleaning the house, wearing red clothes, giving red envelopes with money, and setting off fireworks.

Q: What zodiac animal represents the year 2022?
A: The zodiac animal for the year 2022 is the Tiger.

Q: What is the significance of the color red during Chinese New Year?
A: The color red is considered lucky and symbolizes good fortune and joy.

Q: What is a traditional Chinese New Year greeting?
A: A traditional Chinese New Year greeting is 'Gong Xi Fa Cai', which means 'Wishing you prosperity' in Mandarin.

Q: What are some traditional foods eaten during Chinese New Year?
A: Some traditional foods include dumplings, fish, noodles, and sticky rice cakes.

Q: What is the Lantern Festival?
A: The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations and is a time for families to come together and light lanterns.

Q: How long does the Chinese New Year celebration last?
A: The Chinese New Year celebration lasts for 15 days.

Q: Is Chinese New Year a public holiday in the United States?
A: Chinese New Year is not a public holiday in the United States, but it is celebrated by many communities and cultural organizations.


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