Sole Source Certification Request - Mississippi

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Sole Source Certification Request - Mississippi

Sole Source Certification Request is a legal document that was released by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services - a government authority operating within Mississippi.


Q: What is a Sole Source Certification?
A: A Sole Source Certification is a request made by a company to declare that they are the only source capable of providing a particular product or service.

Q: Why would a company need a Sole Source Certification?
A: A company may need a Sole Source Certification if they believe they are the only provider of a specific product or service and want to secure a contract without competition.

Q: How can a company request a Sole Source Certification in Mississippi?
A: To request a Sole Source Certification in Mississippi, a company would need to submit a written request to the appropriate government agency or department.

Q: What information should be included in the Sole Source Certification request?
A: The Sole Source Certification request should include a detailed explanation of why the company believes they are the only source for the product or service, as well as any supporting documentation.

Q: Is there a fee associated with requesting a Sole Source Certification in Mississippi?
A: There may be a fee associated with requesting a Sole Source Certification in Mississippi. The specific fee amount and payment details can be obtained from the relevant government agency or department.

Q: What happens after a company submits a Sole Source Certification request?
A: After a company submits a Sole Source Certification request, the government agency or department will review the request and make a determination. If approved, the company may be awarded the contract without competition.

Q: Can a Sole Source Certification be appealed if it is denied?
A: Yes, a company can appeal a denied Sole Source Certification. The specific appeals process will depend on the rules and regulations of the relevant government agency or department.


Form Details:

  • Released on December 2, 2022;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services.

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