Boyfriend Application Form

Boyfriend Application Form

What Is a Boyfriend Application Form?

A Boyfriend Application is a list of multiple-choice and open-ended questions prepared by the person seeking a committed relationship with a man.

Alternate Names:

  • BF Application Form;
  • New Boyfriend Application.

If you are tired of looking for a worthy partner or you have certain non-negotiable standards for a long-lasting relationship you want to disclose before you and the man you are talking to develop romantic feelings for each other, you may use a Boyfriend Application Form to learn more about the person that has expressed interest in you. It is also possible to post this questionnaire on a dating site or app when you are setting up an online profile for potential suitors to find and contact you - they will be able to look through the list of your requirements, preferences, and dealbreakers and decide whether to submit their answers, message you, or swipe right.

You can download a Boyfriend Application template through the link below.


How to Make a Boyfriend Application?

Here is how you should customize a simple Boyfriend Application you will later use to evaluate the candidates and make a choice in favor of someone who can make you truly happy:

  1. You can begin with the basics that will help you sort out the applications - ask the prospective boyfriend his age, height, weight, and other details of his physical appearance like hair color and tattoos. Note that it is strongly advised not to add any warnings in this section of the form apart from the preferred age of your future partner - looks are secondary in a relationship, and you should not rob yourself of the chance to know a man even if he does not fit the ideal candidate you have made up in your mind.
  2. Try to make Boyfriend Application questions diverse enough - do not limit your options by only bringing up generic issues and demonstrate your personality and values with the list of key matters that have a major significance to you. You should base the application on your own experiences and beliefs - for instance, if your ambition is to start a family and settle down in the foreseeable future, ask the man who will read the form about his perspective. Find out whether the individual puts his career above everything else, how he spends his free time, whether he has any harmful habits, how many friends he has, and if he is close with his parents and siblings. Ask him about his previous relationships and the criteria he uses to understand if the relationship is worth pursuing, inquire about his education and professional aspirations, and tell him to list his hobbies - a couple will spend their time together doing fun stuff, so it is important you enjoy the same activities.
  3. Give the applicant several questions without a predictable and appropriate response - this way, the person will have the freedom to give a complete answer providing you with a deeper insight into their character. For example, leave sufficient blank space and ask the man how he would prefer to spend a perfect day or what date he would come up with for the two of you.
  4. Do not forget that it is only fair to agree to provide the answers to the same questions you are sending to one applicant or several men at once - they deserve to prepare their own questionnaires, set their standards, and select the perfect partner as well. An online application you are creating can contain a link the candidate will have to follow to request more information about your life so be smart and do not include questions you would rather not answer yourself.

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