An Internship Evaluation Form is an evaluation form completed by a superior staff member (usually a supervisor) that has worked closely with an individual on an internship. The form is usually filled in at the end of an internship and the main purpose of the Internship Evaluation is to provide the individual that has completed the internship, with constructive feedback about their experience during the internship.
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However, these forms are not strictly limited to just supervisors. It may well be that the interns are given the evaluation form to self-evaluate and provide their own feedback in terms of what was useful, what experience they gained and maybe also provide ideas for future improvements. Either way, regardless of who is filling in the evaluation form - the criteria that need to be evaluated remain the same.
The questions set out in the evaluation form should be clear, concise, and unambiguous. Carefully think about the questions you want to include and the wording. The questions should aim to collect all of the necessary information you want to obtain about the internship and progress of the individual.
An Internship Evaluation template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.
If it is now time to write up the internship evaluation, you should know that the best way to fill in this form is so that the feedback is as constructive and useful as possible. Consider the following tips and hints below:
Haven't found the form you're looking for? Take a look at the related forms below: