Property Owner Permission Form for Medical Marijuana Home-Grows - Rhode Island

Property Owner Permission Form for Medical Marijuana Home-Grows - Rhode Island

Property Owner Permission Form for Medical Marijuana Home-Grows is a legal document that was released by the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation - a government authority operating within Rhode Island.


Q: What is a Property Owner Permission Form?
A: A Property Owner Permission Form is a document that allows a tenant or resident to grow medical marijuana at their home.

Q: Who needs a Property Owner Permission Form?
A: Tenants or residents in Rhode Island who want to grow medical marijuana at their home need a Property Owner Permission Form.

Q: What is a medical marijuana home-grow?
A: A medical marijuana home-grow is when a person grows medical marijuana plants for their own personal use at their residence.

Q: Is growing medical marijuana legal in Rhode Island?
A: Yes, growing medical marijuana is legal in Rhode Island for qualifying patients and caregivers.

Q: Why do I need permission from the property owner to grow medical marijuana?
A: You need permission from the property owner to ensure that they are aware of and consent to the cultivation of medical marijuana at their property.

Q: How can I obtain a Property Owner Permission Form?
A: You can obtain a Property Owner Permission Form from the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation or from an authorized medical marijuana dispensary.

Q: Do I need to renew the Property Owner Permission Form annually?
A: Yes, the Property Owner Permission Form needs to be renewed annually to maintain permission to grow medical marijuana at your residence.

Q: What happens if I don't have a Property Owner Permission Form?
A: If you don't have a Property Owner Permission Form, you may be in violation of the law and subject to legal consequences.

Q: Can a property owner revoke their permission to grow medical marijuana?
A: Yes, a property owner has the right to revoke their permission to grow medical marijuana at any time.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation.

Download Property Owner Permission Form for Medical Marijuana Home-Grows - Rhode Island

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