This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
the document
for the current year.
Initial Fee Waiver Request Pursuant to Act 725 of 2021 is a legal document that was released by the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board - a government authority operating within Arkansas.
Q: What is Act 725 of 2021?
A: Act 725 of 2021 is a law in Arkansas.
Q: What does the Initial Fee Waiver Request refer to?
A: The Initial Fee Waiver Request pertains to Act 725 of 2021.
Q: What does Act 725 of 2021 provide for?
A: Act 725 of 2021 provides for an initial fee waiver.
Q: Who can request the initial fee waiver?
A: Anyone eligible under Act 725 of 2021 can request the initial fee waiver.
Q: What is the purpose of the initial fee waiver?
A: The purpose of the initial fee waiver is to waive certain fees as specified in Act 725 of 2021.
Q: How can someone request the initial fee waiver?
A: One can request the initial fee waiver by submitting an Initial Fee Waiver Request.
Q: What are the requirements for eligibility under Act 725 of 2021?
A: The requirements for eligibility under Act 725 of 2021 are specified in the law itself.
Form Details:
Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board.