DD Form 1150 Request for Issue / Transfer / Turn-In

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DD Form 1150 Request for Issue / Transfer / Turn-In

What Is DD Form 1150?

DD Form 1150, Request for Issue/Transfer/Turn-In is a form used for documenting issues, transfers, or turn-ins of tools and equipment that are indicated on the Authorized/Unauthorized Self-Help Supply List and obtained by the FE supply and storage division. The form may also be used as an issue receipt to take stock of food handed out to army cooks.

The latest edition of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DA Form 1150 - was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on December 1, 2011 , with previous editions available for use. Download a DD Form 1150 fillable version by clicking the link below.

DA Form 1150 is related to DA Form 2062, Hand Receipt/Annex Number. DA 2062 is used to document the issuance of all controlled items from the property record to hand receipt holders. The filled-out form is placed in the hand receipt file, to which all of the appropriate requests for issue or turn-in forms are added.


How to Fill Out DD Form 1150?

Procedural guidelines and additional information can be found in the TM 5-610, Department of the Army Pamphlet 290-5, and Department of the Army Pamphlet 25-91. The DD Form 1150 instructions are as follows:

  1. Three copies of the Request for Issue or Turn-In should be prepared for each issue . The first copy should contain the signature of the hand receipt holder and be filed by the property officer in the corresponding hand receipt file. The second copy is provided to the receipt holder and the third one can be used for any valid purpose. Otherwise, it should be destroyed.
  2. DD 1150 consists of 12 Blocks and requires detailed information about the items that are issued, transferred, or turned in . The required information includes data on the issuing and receiving location as well as the signatures of the service members who requested, delivered, or received the corresponding items.
  3. This form can be used as a temporary hand receipt . In this case, instead of a request number, Block 5 should contain the stamped or printed phrase "temporary hand receipt". The temporary hand receipt may be destroyed after the hand receipt is updated by adjustment.
  4. The procedure of turn-in is similar to issuing the items, with the only difference being the need for the signature of the property officer in Block 11 of each of three prepared copies.

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